In Scottsdale, there are many pot shops and pot dispensaries. There is even a "pottery city" called the "Garden of Eden", a reference to marijuana. But are these businesses legal? Is there a difference between a marijuana store and a dispensary?
Well, technically a marijuana store is not allowed to sell pot, but most stores do sell accessories, books, pipes, etc. While some cities have taken down this type of store because they are against sales of drugs, it is still legal in several states including Arizona. So are these stores still legal? And if so, are they any different than a regular retail marijuana outlet?
Technically, a pot shop or marijuana dispensary is any business that sells or promotes the use of marijuana. These include shops, cafes, gift shops, and online shops. However, not all such businesses necessarily sell pot. Some only sell medical marijuana, and most only supply individuals who have a valid medical need for it.
In any case, there are basically two types of stores. The first are the ones that simply sell marijuana. They may not have other items for sale, but most will. These stores generally advertise on-site, through flyers or website, and generally do not require any sort of licensing or permit. In short, a marijuana store is essentially an underground system.
A second type of store are the licensed stores. This type of business is actually considered the retail version of the "mature" marijuana industry. These stores sell not only medical marijuana, but also have other items for sale such as pottery and clothing. Most stores also sell marijuana-infused products such as candles and oils. Some also carry other types of merchandise that may be related to pot such as books, magazines, and newspapers.
There are also "clinics," which are places where people can get a recommendation for buying or using pot. Clinics are also commonly found in shopping centers and various restaurants. These establishments are often full of both customers and sales staff, making it easy to buy pot. Clinics also allow patients to use their pot at no charge for their personal use.
In order to keep marijuana dispensaries in scottsdale running, they have to make sure that everyone who is buying pot has a valid medical need for it. The state requires that anyone buying marijuana be 18 years of age or older. Anyone purchasing pot from a dispensary in Scottsdale also has to be a registered Colorado resident.
In short, whether or not marijuana dispensaries in Scottsdale can remain open comes down to the city and county governments. If there are zoning issues, it would be best to check with the city. And if there are zoning issues, it would also be best to check with the county. Both cities and counties have different ordinances and laws in place that regulate marijuana establishments.
There are all kinds of marijuana clinics in Scottsdale. Some are places where patients can go for medical marijuana treatments. Others are retail stores where customers can buy marijuana. Still others are warehouses and storage facilities where marijuana concentrates, oils and capsules can be stored. There are hundreds of marijuana clinics in Scottsdale, and almost every weekend there are new ones opening up. To keep up with all the openings, it can take a dedicated staff of about two or three full-time employees.
However, that isn't always enough. Sometimes marijuana dispensaries in Scottsdale need extra help. If the owners of the business want to expand the business, it's usually an added expense. It isn't always possible to pay for staffing that fast. For this reason, many marijuana clinics choose to add on a marketing department.
There are several ways to approach the issue of marketing a marijuana clinic. The easiest is simply to hire an experienced marketing professional. These individuals are great at building a brand name and promoting a business. They will know which ads are most effective and which are more likely to raise the customer's interest. Marketing professionals can also make sure that prospective customers find the business they are looking for.
However, hiring a professional isn't always necessary. There are some wonderful options out there for marijuana dispensary owners. When opening a new marijuana dispensary, it's good to know about off-line marketing strategies as well. Off-line strategies can include using neighborhood events to spread the word about your new business. This can work well in Scottsdale because many residents live in the surrounding communities and will be aware of upcoming events.