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How to Get Sperm Out of Your Body Fast - Tips on Getting Pregnant Fast

Writer's picture: Philip RogerPhilip Roger

How to get sperm out of your body fast is a question that many couples struggle with. Unprotected sex, especially fellatio, can cause problems with infertility and it's not uncommon to be unhappy in a relationship when you can't have a child. When you get an erection the testes are actually made to expand. As they do this the tiny hairs that line your vagina become stimulated and can produce an orgasm. This is why you can have unprotected sex in the vagina for a very long time and have nothing happen.

The secret to learning how to get sperm out of your body fast is to stop stimulating that area. You can use other methods to help with this such as an over the counter lubricant or cream. Some people use douching too. This is a quick way to solve the problem but the problem will just return after a short period of time. You need to stop stimulating that area and if you can't prevent pregnancy you should at least learn how to get sperm out of your body fast.

If you want to know how to get sperm out of your body fast you need to learn about all the different causes for infertility. This includes unprotected sex and the pill. If you're having trouble getting pregnant, you may not have been seeing your doctor regularly. Lack of intimacy and sexually transmitted diseases can also be reasons for infertility.

You can also learn how to get sperm out of your body fast by using pharmaceutical methods like drugs and hormones. One of the most common prescriptions given to women to prevent pregnancy is called HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy. You'll hear the word "birth control" a lot these days but HRT actually means "hormone replacement". Women usually use this medication during menopause. It works by replacing female hormones that have been decreasing over the years. The downside is that this medication can be dangerous and even deadly if used incorrectly.

Another method women use how to get sperm out of your body fast is with the use of condoms. Condoms do cut off sperm from going to the vagina but it also cuts off the blood flow to that area. When you're trying to get pregnant a lot of times the male partner will notice there is a lack of blood flowing to his penis and in turn feels the lack of sensation in the vagina. There is a way around this though. The male can use a condom that contains spermicide which will basically kill off all the sperm within the condom.

One more method is the utilization of the liver salt pill. This is an excellent choice for those that aren't looking for a permanent solution. The problem with this method is that it will only work for those that are trying to conceive a baby. There are lots of things that can affect fertility such as age, diet, exercise level, smoking and alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption can reduce the liver salt in the body which can interfere with conception.

Some women tend to use douching when trying to get sperm out of the body fast. This is a bad idea. Douching cleanses the vagina but it also eliminates all the good healthy bacteria that is needed to keep pregnancy developing and conception taking place. The vagina has a natural acidic environment to prevent pregnancy but when you do douche it can damage this acid. It can make the vagina dry and as a result it's harder for the egg to get to the uterus.

How to get sperm out of your body fast can be achieved by using natural methods or by engaging in very safe and effective sexual intercourse. Safe sexual intercourse means avoiding any type of vaginal penetration or allow the vagina to breathe freely. Natural methods involve a couple engaging in safe and natural sexual intercourse that allows for the maximum amount of stimulation in order to stimulate the sperms. There are also medical treatments that can be done to help prevent pregnancy such as in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. These procedures can be very expensive and sometimes not an option so the next best thing is to engage in very safe sexual practices such as condom use during intercourse and avoiding vaginal intercourse while you are not pregnant.


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