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A Natural Laxative For Constipation

Writer's picture: Philip RogerPhilip Roger

With so many choices in hand to help people learn how to improve their lives through self-improvement, how do you know which one is right for you? Well, I've been giving it some thought and have narrowed it down to two great products that I believe are the best of the bunch. In particular, I believe the two systems developed by Mira LAX Alternatives are the best of the bunch. You might even call them the gold standard of self-help programs available. The top rated program is called MiraLAX and it's based on the techniques taught at the University of Minnesota - specifically, the "habitat analysis" method taught there.

Dr. Arpad Nagy teaches students how to help themselves from taking miralax by helping themselves to "kick the habit." According to Dr. Nagy, a good way to get over the habit of constipation is to develop a "bridge." A bridge is something you use to get over a problem by replacing it with another one. For example, say that you had a major bowel impaction just a few weeks back and now you're having trouble with indigestion.

To replace your current problem with constipation, you could either take laxatives, use a laxative while eating, or take a magnesium hydroxide douche while taking miralax. All three of these solutions seem like they would be relatively easy to implement. However, did you ever stop to think about why you got constipation in the first place?

Let me explain what you may not understand about why you have cramping and gas in the first place. When you have low amount of fiber in your diet, the colon absorbs low amount of water which causes diarrhea. The next thing that happens is that the body creates mucus that blocks the colon and prevents solid waste from being absorbed into the body. The last part is that the waste is often rejected by the body because it contains toxins and/or bacteria which are toxic to the body. As you can see, both problems are the result of low amount of fiber and low amount of beneficial bacteria.

This is why you should never rely on medications and laxatives alone to treat your ailment. Both of these treatments are merely short-term fixes for your problem. Medication may provide you with instant relief but the negative side effects may come as soon as you stop taking the medication. Laxatives also do not provide long term solutions for your issue. While taking a laxative, you will encounter a host of uncomfortable side effects such as bloating, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and even gas. On the other hand, a good natural solution such as miralax is all natural and safe to administer while treating your bowel problems.

There are a few benefits you can get from miralax, such as it is all natural, works fast, has no side effects, promotes bowel function, provides long-term benefits, and it works as a natural laxative. Miralax, unlike laxatives is completely free from harmful toxins. It is an effective remedy which needs to be taken for eight hours daily. If it is taken for a week's time, it can help improve your condition from hemorrhoids to constipation to indigestion to cramp.

The most common side effects of MiraLAX Alternatives include diarrhea, stomach pain and gas. But don't worry. These side effects are only minor and will subside within two days. You will also feel the power of the solution as it improves the functionality of your digestive system, giving you better absorption of essential nutrients and minerals. So it does not matter how severe your problem is, this over-the-counter constipation treatment will be the solution you need.

With all these benefits, I am sure you will consider buying miralax instead of buying another cheap over-the-counter stool softener. You can check the package label for the exact content of the natural laxative, as it varies depending on the brand you buy. In my personal experience, the best ones come in the form of a premium fiber supplement such as peg 3350. This type of laxative supplement comes in a capsule form, which makes it easier to take, and it contains all the important ingredients like potassium, beta sitosterol, fucose, sorbitol, pectin, and folic acid.


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